What a diving day!

7:20 in the morning we meet in the Dive Center to prepare our equipment and have some fun! The plan is to make 2 dives in 2 different places.

nuestro equipo en clases de buceo
clases de inmersion

One hour later, everyone is ready! We need 15 minutes on the boat and …

Back-roll entry or just put your equipment in the water and let’s START to explore!

Inmersion en taganga , Santa marta
Algas en taganga, Colombia
nuestros oceanos en taganga, santa marta pez exotico
fauna submarina taganga, santa marta pez lindo
nuestros oceanos en taganga, santa marta
nuestros oceanos en taganga, santa marta con Divanga 3
nuestros oceanos en taganga, santa marta 2
nuestros oceanos en taganga, santa marta pez hermoso
coral cerebro en taganga, santa marta corales 2
nuestros oceanos en taganga, santa marta corales
buceo clases 2 en divanga, taganga

When we finish each dive, the boat is already waiting for us.

Everyone is tired and happy. We have seen a lot of life on those 2 dives. Time to go back to Taganga, rest a bit, eat and discuss what we have seen and felt during this amazing morning.

buceo clases en divanga,taganga